Simpsons couch gag
Simpsons couch gag

We have had such great luck with our guest animators. And then we’ve got seven, eight, nine and ten are still being animated in Bardel in Canada. Groening: So where are you on season two? It’s also the first thing anyone has seen of Rick and Morty since season one finished, which is really cool. Roiland: We tried to pull in stuff from Futurama and little Easter egg stuff. It really is an extension of your cartoon universe, and that we’re part of it is really cool. What really makes me happy is to think of the die-hard fans of Rick and Morty tuning in and having their minds blown. You certainly can’t see where it’s going, except you might think something bad might happen to The Simpsons. I did suck a lot of time out of it, believe it or not. Originally, I wanted it to hit around 1:30 but then it just kept creeping and creeping. Roiland: I didn’t want to overstay our welcome so I tried to make it tight and quick. Over the last several years, we’ve decided: let’s have other animators take on The Simpsons ,and Justin and Dan’s takes with Rick and Morty visiting The Simpsons was probably the most ambitious and lengthy couch gag that we’d done.

simpsons couch gag

We have this section of the show called The Couch Gag where we break all the rules of animation that we have on The Simpsons, so it’s all surrealistic and crazy. I don’t think we got a single note from you guys. Then we sent the script off to Al and Matt and everyone at The Simpsons. So I took the script and polished it, changed a few things. Roiland: Dan Harmon did the first pass on the script, and then we were in the thick of it on writing the season two stuff and he got swept away on Community. Justin, what was the process like? Did you you write a script and for The Simpsons folks to approve? Read more ‘Simpsons’ Showrunner on Harry Shearer: “We’re Not Forcing Him Out” But when the opportunity came to do one for Rick and Morty, we said yes. We do DVD commentaries for every episode of The Simpsons, and everyone is pretty worn out. We’ve never done a DVD commentary for another show.

simpsons couch gag

The animators on the show were fans and all of the writers as well. Matt Groening: It turns out I wasn’t the only fan on The Simpsons of Rick and Morty.

simpsons couch gag

That commentary track led to the offer of the couch gag, which we immediately followed up on to see if that was a sincere offer, which it was. Justin Roiland: I had the crazy idea of asking Matt and some of the folks at The Simpsons if they would be interested in doing a DVD commentary on Rick and Morty because I had heard from Mike Lazzo over at Adult Swim and a few other people that Matt was a huge fan of the show, which I couldn’t believe, but it turned out to be true.

Simpsons couch gag